Today is the 200th anniversary of the death of Joseph Haydn. To commemorate this day, and one of my favourite composers, here are three symphony recordings, all from Decca 78s.
Haydn – Symphony No.88 in G major
National Symphony Orchestra, Enrique Jorda
III. Minuet (Allegretto) and Trio (1 side)
IV. Allegro con spirito (1 side)
(mp3 file – right click the link, then select “Save as” or click the play button)
DECCA AK.1472 – 74 (auto coupling)
Matrices AR 9972-2, 9973-2, 9974-3, 9975-2, 9976-1, 9977-2
Recorded 9th January 1946, Kingsway Hall, London
Haydn – Symphony No.94 in G major “The Surprise”
Mediafire link for Haydn – Symphony 94 Surprise – Leo Blech
(These are zip files – left click the link, download the files, then unzip when downloaded)
I. Adagio cantabile – Vivace assai (2 sides)
II. Andante (2 sides)
III. Menuetto (Allegro molto) and Trio (1 side)
IV. Allegro di molto (1 side)
DECCA AK.2204 – 06 (auto coupling)
Matrices SAR 249-1, 250-1, 251-1, 252-2, 253-1, 254-1
Recorded 2nd July 1947
L’Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Leo Blech
Haydn – Symphony No.99 in E flat major
Mediafire link for Haydn – Symphony 99 – Royalton Kisch
(These are zip files – left click the link, download the files, then unzip when downloaded)
I. Adagio – Vivace assai (2 sides)
II. Adagio (2 sides)
III. Minuet and Trio (Allegretto) (1 side)
IV. Vivace (1 side)
DECCA AX.340 -42 (auto coupling)
Matrices AR 14496-1, 14497-1, 14498-1, 14499-1, 14500-1, 14501-1
Recorded 17th January 1950, Kingsway Hall, London
London Symphony Orchestra, Royalton Kisch