Fred Mele

Fred Mele was the conductor of the first French cast, at the Apollo in Paris, of Noel Coward’s “Bitter Sweet”. The premiere was on 2nd April 1930, and these sides appear to have been recorded around this time. Marnac also recorded two solo items from the show, “Ne serait-ce pas l’amour?” and “Tzigane”, issued on Columbia DF42.
Coward – Au Temps des Valses (Bitter Sweet)
Acte I – Duo: Je vous reverrai (I’ll see you again)
Acte II – Duo: Le petit café (Dear little café)
Orchestra, Fred Mele
Jane Marnac, soprano
Max Bussy, tenor
French Columbia DF 43
Recorded c April 1930
Matrices WL 2167-1, 2166-1

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