Carrie Lanceley was an Australian soprano, from Willoughby, a northern suburb of Sydney Australia. I’ve located the following references to her.
Willoughby’s First Fifty Years: A Retrospect of the Jubilee Period of the Council of the Municipality of Willoughby for the years 1865 to 1915. Later on (in December, 1903) the Council’s patronage was granted to Miss Carrie Lanceley’s concert, also given on the occasion of her leaving for London. NZ Truth , Issue 90, Saturday 9 March 1907, Page 6 BREEZY BITS FROM SYDNEY CITY. Soprano Carrie Lanceley, whose high “C” astonished the Bananalanders at a recent Liedertafel concert, is leaving the land of the golden fleece for gay Paris. The song-bird goes to study and woo fame. Her admiring compatriots will benefit her on March 23. Sydney Morning Herald, April 3rd 1907: Miss Carrie Lanceley leaves for Paris early this month. During March she sang at two large concerts and at several smaller functions. Her fresh, bright voice and winning manner will be much missed at Sydney’s concerts. Miss Lanceley’s first public appearance in Sydney was as Senta in an amateur performance of Wagner’s “Flying Dutchman,” given in the Theatre Royal. She made an instantaneous impression in the spinning chorus scene. At her farewell Sydney concert, Miss Lanceley was associated with many of the same singers. The most enjoyed number of the programme was “Oh, for the Wings of a Dove” (Mendelssohn). The young soprano sang the solo, supported by a chorus. Sydney Mail Wed April 3rd 1907: “The Centenary Hall proved much too small to accommodate all who wished to hear the famous Scottish baritone, Mr. Andrew Black, and there were present many friends of Miss Carrie Lanceley, the promising young soprano, who on this occasion made her farewell appearance. Miss Lannceley, who was heartily applauded, intends to study abroad, and her admirers are enthusiastic in predicting for her a successful operatic career. She sang “Bel Raggio,” “Ave Maria” (Gounod-Bach), and “Angels Guard Thee.” Wednesday 4 November 1908 – The Advertiser, Adelaide London report: Several Australasian singers appeared at the National Sunday League concert at the Camberwell Palace on Sunday evening. In 1919 touring New Zealand – Grey River Argus, 2nd August 1919: Miss Carrie Lanceley and her melody maids appeared again last evening at the Opera House in conjunction with Pollard’s Pictures. A full house greeted the talented party and throughout the concert the audience was unstinted in its appreciation of the various items rendered. The brilliant young prima donna again demonstrated her versatility and musicianly ability, by her rendering of “One Fine Day” appearling especially to her auditors, and being acclaimed by one and all as the outstanding feature of the night’s work. Miss Lanceley contributed “Ave Maria” (Gounod-Bach) with violin obligato, an evergreen favourite with all. In this classic the singer showed fine devotional temperament an tenderness and was very warmly applauded. Her rendering of “I Did Not Know” won her fresh laurels and she graciously responded with the “Dear Little Shamrock.” The audience would not part with her, however, till she had given “Whistle An’ I’ll Come To Ye, My Lad” and “I Don’t Love Anyone But Daddy.” Her final number was “Home, Sweet Home.” (also appearing were Miss Symons a violinist, Miss Simpson, flautist, Miss Struble, the monologue artist) Mr Pollard has been able to arrange with Miss Lanceley for she and her party to make a farewell appearance next Wednesday when she has kindly consented to give “request” items, as already a number of request she has received could not be acceded to in one short programme. She will also render a programme of English, Irish, and Scotch music. We predict a bumper house. The party appear in Blackball tonight, Hokitika Monday, Runanga Tuesay and here on Wednesday. We advise all who wish to hear the best concert party that has visited the West Coast to go. Don’t miss it.” Wednesday May 26 1920 – Sydney Mail
Miss Carrie Lanceley. The well-known Sydney soprano, who will shortly leave for America and Europe, Her farewell concert is to be in aid of the North Shore Hospital. In 1922 she was touring the Tivoli theatres of Australia. She recorded 2 Edison cylinders: A12008 – Dec 1908 – Good-bye! (F. Paolo Tosti / George J. Whyte-Melville) |
Verdi – Il Trovatore – Home to our mountains; Miserere Carrie Lanceley, soprano Gwilym Richards, tenor with Orchestra Mediafire link for Verdi – Il Trovatore – duets with Lanceley and Richards (This is a zip file – left click the link, download the file, then unzip when downloaded) |
Pioneer 135 Matrices 2522, 2523 Recorded 1914, London A very traditional coupling on record of Ai nostri monti and the Miserere from Il Trovatore. This is a record on the short lived Pioneer label, which came into being in 1914, and lasted only until 1915. It’s on an earlier black label pressing, making 1914 the likely date. The two soloists are Carrie Lanceley and Gwilym Richards. |