Safford Cape and the Pro Musica Antiqua of Brussels recently appeared on this site on an Anthologie Sonore 78 of works by Dufay and Isaac. Cape and his group returned to the Dufay in 1950 – it was one of thirteen items on an LP of Dufay’s secular works which he recorded for Elaine Music Shop.
Mediafire link for Dufay secular works directed by Cape
(These are zip files – left click the link, download the files, then unzip when downloaded)
Guillaume Dufay – Secular Works
Elaine Music Shop EMS206
Matrices E1-LQC-15052-1A, 15053-1B
Recorded in the Fall of 1950
Pro Musica Antiqua (Brussels), Safford Cape
Maria Ceuppens, soprano
Jeanne Deroubaix, contralto
Louis Devos, tenor
Franz Mertens, tenor
Albert van Ackere, baritone
Charles Koenig, recorder
Rachel van Hecke, treble viol
Jean-Christophe van Ecke, tenor viol
Alphonse Bauwens, tenor viol
Suzanne Bouquette, minstrel’s harp
Michel Podolski, lute
(only Bauwens features on the early Anthologie Sonore recording)
Side 1:
- Resvelons-nous, amoureux
- Pouray-je avoir vostre mercy
- Hé! Compaignons
- La belle se sied au pie de la tour
- Adieu, m’amour
- Ce moys de May
Side 2:
- Je donne a tous les amoreux
- Bon jour, bon mois
- Par droit je puis bien complaindre et gemir
- Ce jour de l’an
- Mon cuer me fait tousdis penser
- Je languis en piteux martire
- J’atendray tant qu’il vous playra
This early LP is rather worn and noisy in places, but I’ve tried to remove the most obvious thumps and bumps.